Friday, May 14, 2010


Endurance trapped in ice.
Soon to be crushed.
Oil Painting..

For Bukowski

If no one
else is there….
I am ready.

When Buk falters. . .
and I only hope
that it is not
in my lifetime.

I am ready
to take up the battle.

I’ll stand
toe to toe
with the best
of them.

The gunslinging
poems that
harassed his ass
from morn till morn.

Though not as fast on the trigger,
nor as finely tuned
as Buk. . .

I pledge to search them
and shoot them down
like the dogs they are.

Buk won’t have to
worry . .

There’ll be a
new Marshall
in town.

h. morgan 7/9/93

Thursday, May 13, 2010

They Keep My Beer

They keep my beer
on the bottom shelf
of the cooler.

It’s down there
because it’s
the cheapest shit
money can buy.

They also place
single bottled beer
along the bottom….
right in front
of the 12-packs.

I am forced to move
all the single beers to get to the
fucking beer I want.

“Why do you do this?”..
I asked the Chinese clerk.
“I struggle every day just to get my

“Things more appreciated
when one works for them.”
he replied.
“Is it not so?”

I had to smile…
h. morgan 9/25/94

I woke up this morning

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There He Goes

There He Goes
There he goes
The little sawed-off bastard.

I snap on the lamp…
reach for my watch..
and check the time.
3:40 AM…
and that hairy
little son-of-a-bitch
is yapping again.

I sit up..
light a cigarette…
think about calling
the neighbor.

Think better
of it…

Snap off the lamp.
And just sit there…
In the dark.

The glow of my
Reflecting back at me
From the window pane.

The dog yaps on.

h. morgan 7/10/93

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The poems are out there

The poems are out there. . .

Some simply peering
through the window
at me.

Sometimes they hide among the
bushes where small children play.

Often in the dark clouds
where lightening
drives the wind.

Some hide in shadowed doorways
up and down the street. . .
or inside the deli
across the way.

Sometimes I have to search
them out. . .
capture one,
and drag him screaming home.

But mostly I find
that there are enough poems hidden
inside my bottle of Scotch.

I have but
to fill my glass. . .
and drink them in.
h. morgan 7/6/93

Black Child

Young in 1970.
Boy in bus station. The expression says it all.
Charcoal on paper. I was " drinking ale that day".

I know where

I know where

the poems are hiding.

They’re inside that

bottle of Scotch…

about half way down.

They’re good poems


not those low life bastards

that tuck themselves away

inside cans of beer.

Nor those sensitive


found half way down

a bottle of wine.

But good, down to earth

hard-core poems,

that scream the truth

and challenge

you to fight.

I’m just the man

to go after

those fuckers

you know.

I’ll drag them

screaming from

that bottle

and nail them down

for all to see.

h. morgan 7/7/93
Man in Publix.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Hank's dog.
Horace's mentor.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Railroad Tracks

Pencil on paper. Railroad tracks.


Being crushed in the ice.
Oil painting

Head Drawing

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

In the Studio

Watercolor on fiber panel.
Scott Thompson's class.
My homework...

Duncan No 1 Tire Repair

This is acrylic on a cardboard panel.
My project in Scott Thompson's class at Samford After Sundown.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Cow Skull Still Life

Still life pencil drawing from classroom setup.
My adjunct professor..Scott Thompson's class..Samford After Sundown

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Thomas Eakins

This is a water color painting of a section of an Eakins painting. Torn into four pieces by my wife as she was having a fit of rage. She said it was crap. She is my most outspoken critic.

Head Drawing

Drawing of my friend ..Red.